I'm from "the island." North and south reference points are the north and south shore. Hawaii? Nope, Long Island. East and West reference points are The City and Montauk. You can be in Queens but if your heading anywhere east, even though it's like over 2 hours from there, you're heading toward Montauk. Same applies north of The City. Anything north is just upstate. Of course in The City you have uptown, downtown, east side, west side, SoHo, The Village, Wall Street, Chinatown, Little Italy, Alphabet City, I'm sure there are others. Oh, then there are districts like the jewelry district or the garden district.
Los Angeles is 30 neighborhoods in search of a city...
I live in LA now. I think actually LA is both a county and a city technically which is just poor planning. I do love how they call it The Southland though. The mountain, the hills, the valley, the basin, I can't wrap my head around all of it yet. I'm a block or two away from Los Feliz, ThaiTown and Little Armenia. I'm still not quite sure where I am. I just say I'm from LA.
t Intro Jack Webb
This is the city: Los Angeles.
t /Jack Webb
Where I live, "The City" means Constantinople. (You non-Greek Orthodox types will think it's called "Istanbul" but that's just Johnny-Turk-come-lately crazy talk.) It's the center of the Orthodox world, and is referred to in newspaper articles, etc., as just
i poli,
The City.
Curiously, we never called DC "The City." It was just DC. Maybe because it's fewer syllables that way.
Huh. That's right - it is just DC. Interesting.
Also, [insert obligatory TMBG "...been a long time gone, Contantinople..." here]
Oh, Firefly thread. That reminds me. I wonder if the lj quiz has answers posted yet. It was a super fun quiz. Off I go to check...
ETA: At which I rocked. Wow, I'm actually a little scared now. I watch those DVDs a lot. Hmmm. I did tank on the really obscure trivia, though. I don't know what it takes to know that kind of detail off the top of one's head, but my obsession stops short of it.
Also, [insert obligatory TMBG "...been a long time gone, Contantinople..." here]
I was gonna do this, but then decided against it. I'm so glad you did!
I swear I just couldn't not do it ... even though I could practically hear the groans as I hit post. Hee.
My Latin students now know all the names of Byzantium, thanks to that song. Yay.
I go shopping a lot in Rochester with costume designers from NYC.
This tends to confuse the clerks as the designers, when making conversation are saying things like" I just came from the city to do this design."
It doesn't go over so well when they come to Chicago and say things like that. Oddly, I've only heard it from costume designers.
In Rochester, anyway, the reaction to someone "buying something for a show" from retail clerks (who wonder, for example, what a tall goodlooking young man and a short pudgy woman are going buying a 32A bra and 45 thermal undershirts with a tax exempt card) tends to be "How nice, what high school do you teach at?" or "What jigh school do your kids go to?" or "What nice volunteer work!" or something else sort of condescending. I was just talking to a potential landlady who seemed extremely surprised that a theatre would pay me to sew. She was all like "But of course they don't PAY you at this second job?"
I think costume p[eople sometimes have to be snooty, because people (who all where clothes) tend to think 'Whay are they paying someone to pick out clothes?"
Rochester is a bit of a backwater, however, so I am not sure if this is true in larger areas like chicago
I think costume p[eople sometimes have to be snooty, because people (who all where clothes) tend to think 'Whay are they paying someone to pick out clothes?"
They are perfectly free to be snooty as long as it isn't with other theatre people. Then it's just rude.
Rochester is a bit of a backwater, however, so I am not sure if this is true in larger areas like chicago
We may be named for a smelly onion, but c'mon... backwater?