Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god
At least two Kaylees, one very good Captain Tightpants, a Companion, more Blue Sun shirts than I care to count, and an attractive woman who handed out strawberries to all in line. My blue Hawaiian shirt was about as much dressing up as I did, and at least two guys were more Washy than I in theirs.
Someone got us all in on "The Hero Of Canton" in its entirety once we got seated. My hand to God.
Holy balls. Okay, I can't do this anymore. I need to dither. I need to dither more than any man has ever needed to dither.
I need to dither. I need to dither more than any man has ever needed to dither.
That's a euphimism I hadn't heard before.
To use it euphemistically would be pointless right now, on account of I'm otherwise spent. Besides, my current euphemism of choice is "flip the three switches."
I'm back.
Sort of.
I really can't say any more than that. How sad is that?
Holy ... holy swearword of your choice.
If anybody tries to spoil you, kill them dead. Repeatedly. Go see this on opening day so that the HSQ can be fully appreciated.
Great movie.
Where, precisely, can Buffistas talk about Serenity without spoiling the unspoiled?
Holy ... holy swearword of your choice.
Did I mention already that the movie doesn't have an Israeli release date? At all? Not on any international listing of release dates I've seen so far, and not on any Israeli one?
Now, I'm pretty sure I will get to watch it. I just posted in the Minearverse thread about how I'm pretty sure that the too-prude-to-download me will get to watch "The Inside", as well. I don't know how yet, exactly, but I'm sure there will be a way. It may only take time.
The thing is, I'm completely unspoiled, regarding the movie. And I want to keep it this way. I'm guessing it will be pretty hard, come September. Oh, well. I'll have to be able to be whiney about something, right?
I love the VJ-Day kiss. It makes my knees weak.
One of the reasons, I think, that MA started restricting scalping was all those concerts in the 1980s where people lined up at the box office days in advance, but all the tickets had sold by phone before the box office ever opened.
I think scalping was illegal here, even then. But it was the kind of illegal that was left alone, unless you walked up to a (the wrong) cop and tried to scalp to his face, with his superior looking on. I think it was the artists and box office folks that started cracking down in response to the camp-out years.
I think scalping is wrong, because of the marketing angle. It's my product, and I get to set price according to my costs, and how much profit I want to make, and the image I want my product to have. Price is part of image. If I don't want to be selling an elite sort of product, you shouldn't have a right to turn my product into an elite product by raising the price I set.