You might want to watch where you're pointing that -- I'm not much of a musicals person myself. I care not.
Oh, I read that you were trying to deflect. Damn interbunny that doesn't give vocal inflections!
I saw it on Broadway in March.
I saw it on Chicago. (And, I think sumi will be the only one to truly appreciate that statement.)
Oh I appreciate that. I live in Chicago. But I promised to see Spamalot with friends and they couldn't get to Chicago when it was playing here. So, off we all went to NYC.
I saw it on Chicago.
Anyone in Chicago should get that.
Anyone in Chicago should get that.
Yeah, but there's a special significance for Spamalot. At the end of the play
they are supposed to find the grail on Broadway. Because of the previews in Chicago, they made it a jokey thing to pause and then add "in Chicago" in a big cheesy way to all the finding the grail on Broadway jokes.
Someone on LJ went to some kind of function and came back with pretty pictures.
Ooh, I might actually get to see the AT version of
Wicked cool.
It's a really big role and I think that Hank Azaria was nominated for a Tony for it -- so excellent break for AT.
The entire thing! Excellent! I just can't keep a hate on for Sci Fi.