Google seems to love Serenity too! Googling for 'serenity' yields the imdb entry first and serenitymovie second and the apple trailer third. Go Team Google!
tho, coming in at number four is the adult diapers, but we'll ignore that
ETA: a manly squeeeee at the new preview showings... c'mon, cantstopthesignal, gimme the love!!!!1!!
Release dates:
No Israel in there. Sigh.
"This wouldn't have been possible without the fans. It really is your movie. So if it sucks, it's your fault."
is my fault.
What nice news to wake up to! I know at least a dozen fans in the Boston area who weren't able to get tickets (or have me get tickets for them), so that's great! (I wouldn't mind a shot at a second viewing myself.)
Dillema: do I quit refreshing or do I take a shower and start my day? Hmmm. Maybe if I'm very very careful, the laptop will work in the shower...
ETA: numbersluttage
So, how much were the tickets for the screenings?
So, how much were the tickets for the screenings?
Normal, regular, run-of-the-mill, standard price.
Washington DC preview tickets are on sale here: [link]
Also Seattle: [link]
How did you find out? Why isn't updated? Do I get a preview this time?
This is very nerve-wracking.
Jesse, how did you get to those? I'm trying to get to SF and failing.
I saw someone on lj saying she got DC tickets with a link, so then I, uh, sat there trying the other cities on the un-updated cantstopthesignal. Plus NYC.