There's hopes that it'll be shown with HGttG, but no guarantees, especially since they're from different studios.
Somewhere yesterday (or so) there's a post of a Joss quote where he implies that, but also that he was not positive, which is why he wouldn't say the name of the flick.
I thought it was more the theater than the studio. FI: HttG was shown at the Glen Lakes theater before Sin City, but not at Cityplace.
That was my hope, since it's the only activity during my weekend in Chicago I have dictated MUST HAPPEN.
ETA: HHGttG, that is.
Simon's blue stuff coming down over River-in-chair may be something that makes a hologram of River, which Chewy walks thru. I'm hoping that Mal is shooting a holo-Chewy at the end, and that it wasn't a spoiler.
I want some of whatever Jack is smoking.
Hey man! Like... yeah.
Also, it's past midnight, English makes my brain hurt, and whatever language Chiwetel Ejiofor is in is worse - so I call him "Chewy". I also have trouble with Krumholtz, so call him "Krummels" which means crumbs in the Afrikaans language.
Now I'm all hungry and stuff.
Stop by the Natter thread--we're talking desserts!
This weekend is when you're going to be in town, Lilty?
Skipping forward to note that I'm still working on the trailer breakdown, but I need more time to work on it. Many, many images going by fast, but I'm having a great time. I'm stopping to watch
and I hope to finish tonight, but I might not be able to get it done until tomorrow.
I am so psyched.