And where did you vanish to young lady?!?
I took off around 11. I was all social personed out and a bit freaked out by the tarot readers non-reading of my cards. I tried to say goodbye but, you seemed to be on a mission of sorts and would not be distracted.
I took off around 11.
Aw bless. On the plus side, you must have missed my talking way-too-fast on the stage, and therfore cannot ever mock it.
I was all social personed out and a bit freaked out by the tarot readers non-reading of my cards.
You weren't the only one. Mr. Tarot reader had one of my friends in tears!
I tried to say goodbye but, you seemed to be on a mission of sorts and would not be distracted.
I often seem to be a mission of sorts, It's an illusion to make people think I'm exciting and interesting. *veg*
That said, circa 11pm I may have been on an actual mission of the secret gift and flowers variety. Or at least being very very scared by the m/f ratio.
Was fab to meet you though. :)
You weren't the only one. Mr. Tarot reader had one of my friends in tears!
Why do I find out about these things a week later? What happened? How can I make it better?
Don't worry about me, Allyson. No harm was done. I didn't hear any other negative reviews at the time.
Did he tell you to take a plane?
Did he tell you to take a plane?
Luckily, no. He just tried several times and then said that he couldn't "read" me. *shrug*
Ah. At least that's honest. Better than making shit up.
It was probably interference from the wireless internet service we were "borrowing."
I was cool with it. I tipped him $20 bucks and went to get another beer.
Why do I find out about these things a week later? What happened? How can I make it better?
So not your fault. Not anybody's fault. Just one of those things. Statistically, one is never going to have a 100% smiles and giggles factor for tarot readings. People will freak out.
She didn't even say anything bad about Mr. Tarot Reader, just cried a lot and kept running to the bathroom. At first I thought this was because she just couldn't cope with my sexay accent, but then realised it was because she'd just had her cards read.
I imagine that her reading wasn't what she wanted or expected to hear, and I can't comment further than that. I was a bit pissed at the time, but purely in a "girl is crying, must offer hugs" way, as even my general "are you okay?" comments (as in, "are you having a good time here?") were setting off the water works.
But hey, she had a FANTASTIC time at your party, and after 10:30 ish the tears were gone and not mentioned again. In fact, replaced with a rather sweet fangirl grin for much of the evening. I have photographic proof.
Every other person that I know of being read seemed very happy. Given that you can't exactly get a tarot reader to an event and tell him to only say nice stuff (that would defeat the object of the fortune-telling, no?), I'd say it was definitely a fun thing to have had at the party.
How to make it better? Um.... Maybe more Tarot pimping earlier on (he was twiddling his thumbs at the start of the night, and faced with a lengthy queue later on in the evening) so as to enable more Tartot tunaround. Maybe provide a more intimate setting? One thing that put me off having my cars read was the open-ness of the table just *there*. but maybe that's just me. I'm annoyingly super-secret and private at times.
Edited: due to guilt as I am simultanously *headdesking* at OT Thread Hijackers over at The Fuselage, I feel i should add:
I am very very excited that I will be seeing a Serenity Trailer soon!