Mmm. Eat happy!
Firefly 4: Also, we can kill you with our brains
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
Googled bulgogi.
"Now I'm hungry."
No, wait, that was from that other show.
Mmmm, bulgogi
Gus says he can take a picture of my Blue Sun tee-shirt and show it to you all.
WMD: Just between you and me, while Laura is still nattering over dinner: She is uncommonly proud of her teats. Rightfully so. Have I recently mentioned how much I despise Randy?
No? Well, I should have.
Laura: Meany! (kidding)
Gus says not to say his ladyfriend's name on the internet because "she still has a career". She (whatever her name is :) cooks great!
We are about to watch a very stupid movie, after (whatever her name is :) gets done slapping Gus around for talking about my "teats" in public.
Gus is incorrigible.
Incorrige him some more.
Heh, good times at the WMD homestead
All of that was joking, you understand.
t Gawd can't help me. I'm going to be sued into the Abyss. My dying gasp... "Boys, never use that word in prin ... <gak>
Watching Train Job now.
"He's my hero."
Are female FF fans a rarity?
Not here they aren't!
(What I wanted for future FF episodes: more different Asian cultures on different worlds . . . possible non-Chinese Asian rebels against the Alliance. You guys having Korean food reminded me of this.)