Is this thing on?
Hey, this is Randy. Thanks for the appreciation about the guerilla marketing. My brother sent them from his college. I put them up all over the place, but Gus was the first person who said anything about them.
t WMD: 'cuz I'm cool, but we knew that. There has been a short discussion here about BB standards. I feel like a prig. That was a 'g' at the end of that word!
Hello, RandyNLaura! The guerilla marketing stories have been great fun so far.
So now have our own (non-zombie) biological weapon. And it's funny! Cool.
Laura: It is so great that there women Firefly fans here!
I rewatched the Firefly pilot Serenity a couple of hours ago.
You just keep sighing. My DVDs have been in Michigan since October.
So how did you guys get hooked on Firefly?
eta: A goodish number of us came by way of the rest of the Whedonverse. You too?
Shortening to TK was not working for me. WMD, I can dig. Also with a 'g' at the end. Why are you a BB prig?
I think I would've fallen on the floor from shock and laughter if I'd been caught in an act of guerilla marketing by another fan. I mean, too damn funny.
I also now wish to perpetrate at least one act of same. I'll have to get creative or something. sigh That takes energy, doesn't it? Ah, well.
Liese, I love your tag. For posterity:
Jesus would own a U2 iPod, because even Jesus thinks Bono is cool. - Theodosia
RandyNLaura, has Gus pointed you two to Nilly's recaps yet?
R: My brother sent me the DVD's for christmas. We watched them straight through, then watched them again, right away.
I think I would've fallen on the floor from shock and laughter if I'd been caught in an act of guerilla marketing by another fan.
And not just another fan. A