Can anyone out there think of some wedding/happy future together type quotes from any of the episodes? Many thanks!
How about "I shaved my beard for you, devil woman!"
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
Can anyone out there think of some wedding/happy future together type quotes from any of the episodes? Many thanks!
How about "I shaved my beard for you, devil woman!"
I want to exact a promise from everybody on here. Anyone who is planning to line up at the theater for Serenity, please, PLEASE, PLEASE . . . . Do it at the right theater. We don't want to look like the LA Star Wars Nerds.
And I thought I was deluded when I'd tricked myself into believing that Episode III might be worth seeing.
I admire the Star Wars nerds for what they're doing, and I may take a few shifts in line myself.
Hey, hey, hey. Don't be mean. We don't have to be mean because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.
Hey, hey, hey. Don't be mean. We don't have to be mean because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.
-Buckaroo Banzai
Don't you wish there'd been a BB sequel?
There was, it was just rewritten so much and had a different star that it wasn't any more.
You may know it by a different name.
Big Trouble In Little China.
Zenkitty, I just went to the Wizard World site to get info on the guests for the Philly/June event but saw nothing. Do you remember where you saw that confirmation?
I'm considering going too, given the proximity to DC and the convenient beard offered by my very cool 14 year old neighbor.
Yeah sure, I'm taking him.
Hopefully, that will make me seem less the drooly codger.
Caught the person who posted the guerrilla FF posters in my coffee stop!
He was putting a sticker with the ideogram for serenity on a bathroom mirror as I left one of the stalls. He froze. I pointed, and accusingly pronounced him an "Independent rabble-rouser!"
He did a double- or maybe triple- take, with a feint toward the door, then burst out laughing.
New friend.
Who needs a beard? Just get a Wizard costume and go with it. Mention your parent's basement, or the cupboard under the stairs.