How old was it?
It IS 3 yrs old. I'm not ready to trash it yet!
Depends on how much my premium would go up. I expect if I go that route it will add a few days and much PITA to this whole process.
Sorry I'm so complainy about this, y'all.
ita, hope the vicodin works all too well. There should be more delivery pharms.
Rio, no need to apologize for complaining! 3 years is too young to kill a car.
May your premiums be dealable and your car get back under your hands soon. But not on ice!
Oh please, Rio -- this is totally complaint-worthy.
Poor sick ita.
And I finally figured out that this is actually an old DH rerun, not last week's. I was kind of confused there for a bit.
MI-5: I'm a little disappointed that they went for the
easy and obvious ending. I would have liked it better if the retired double agent had survived, and the senior MI-6 guy had been called on the carpet for his perfidy.
By an odd coincidence, one of the books I am re-reading this weekend is
Running Blind
by Desmond Bagley, which is another British spy story involving
the murders of British agents to further a British espionage operation.
Really? I liked it that
he bought it,
but that might be my investment in seeing
Danny broken up --
and I think it worked very well after the episode before, where Tom's
idealism is stretched to the breaking point, and snaps in all their faces.
Well, the Vicodin is working. I hate this feeling, but I hate it less than pain.
I'd better be better tomorrow, dammit.
I'm glad, ita, and I hope you will.
A box of wine just arrived! now only if we had chocolate cake to go with the wine... life would be greatly improved.
Ah. I missed MI-5 last week. Sounds like it made a difference.
You could get chocolate cake at Porto, Kat, though not until tomorrow.