But I told you to watch it, Lee! It's cute!
Of course. ICBINB doesn't spread as well.
I can believe it's not butter. It doesn't taste/spread/look like butter, silly.
Yes. Real butter is not nearly as accommodating when I'm making grilled ham and provolone cheese sandwiches.
::pushes Alibelle::
Pfft. I was braced, expecting that kind of childish behavior from you.
budget cuts.
we had found out that the city wasn't responding to alarms in business durring daylight hours ( even if the business wasn't open yet) but it seems to have gone a little farther...
what I want know is that if an alarm goes off in my home durring working hours - who is going to prove that it is a real crime... my cat?
Office Space is SOOOO not a Spinach movie!
Lee, you need to live closer so you could get the Alias S1 DVDs from us to borrow.
I like pretty much all seasons. The issue is not weather for me, but daylight. I need more daylight than winter has.
Mebbe I can get them this weekend, along with that other
Christmas prezzie
I like all seasons, but autumn is my favorite. A little hot summer, for hanging out in a pool, and camping and canoeing, and winter, for the utter clarity of blue winter sky that comes from snow glittering and a lack of humidity, but otherwise, I like it to be about 55-64 degrees, with a good mix of sunny to cloudy.
Christmas Prezzie
thing is, sadly,
seasonally dependent.
But we'll still get it to you along with DVDs. that makes me feel like I should watch all of them again tonight. Whic is insane and won't happen.
Hee. I like out of season seasonal things.
It's still January. That's not particularly out of season, in my opinion.
Also, did you guys know that food is yummy? Because it is. Yum mashed potatoes and lemony/olive oil-y/buttery chicken.
Lemon chicken is one of my standard recipes!
I had jerk chicken tonight. And boy howdy, I love food.