I don't understand why teleportation has not been invented yet.
I'm not too eager for this. The absence of time lag in sending stuff would lead to my clients expecting finished work as soon as they're done giving me instructions, since of course actually doing work shouldn't take any longer than getting it from place to place.
If you disassemble me to the subatomic level, I'm dead.
And then you get recreated. But is it the same you, or a different but identical you to the you that's dead?
Also, if teleporters exist, why can't they be used to create endless copies of you?
Maybe they'll come up with a teleportation that
works on living beings.
No, but then they'd be naked, or something.
I'd want a good long bit of study proving (inasmuch as is possible) that the personality and soul got transmitted along with the molecules.
I'd want a good long bit of study proving (inasmuch as is possible) that the personality and soul got transmitted along with the molecules.
I disbelieve in souls, so that part doesn't bug me.
ION, Cylons want you to help the tsunami victims.
I've just had it with transportation, is the thing. I'm so over having to get from place to place. It's a pain in the ass, takes time, costs money, etc. ad nauseum. OVER IT.
They actually touched on this stuff during last week's "Enterprise". Not much, but it was there. (I continue to be amazed how much better it's been this season. Still not great, but definitely improved.)
ETA: Personally I don't know if all the studies in the world could convince me to use a transporter. I'd be much more happy with using some sort of space-folding mechanism.
This morning they were saying that New York was supposed to be getting 4-6 inches of snow.
That's been upgraded to a blizzard warning.
I'd be much more happy with using some sort of space-folding mechanism.
Maybe that's what it is -- maybe it just folds it right through you, and suddenly you're standing somewhere else.
Make it like that!
You know you've been living somewhere with easy winters when your reaction to the words "blizzard warning" is a kind of wistful jealousy.