We did not get our forecasted snow - it all went north to Virginia.
Welcome back GUS! Have a nice time in my home airport. They have wifi there and I have a password that always gets me access and never charges me. But I guess if you are reading this you will alreayd have paid, so never mind.
It's freezing here so the dogs and I are now going to watch the last "chapter" of Kill Bill 2 and then start in on Alias S2.
I think we should play
Things I just don't understand.
I'll start. I just don't understand Mercedes SUVs/minivans. Mercedes are supposed to be sleek and sexy.
I just don't understand Mercedes SUVs/minivans. Mercedes are supposed to be sleek and sexy.
You think that's bad, how about Porsche SUV's. Same objection.
if we get 8 inches of snow tonight, I'm totally not coming into work tomorrow.
And you'll get in your snowmobile and come to Troy, right?
breaks out the snow-producing ferrets
So because I didn't go grocery shopping last night, I have nothing to eat here at work. And I think I'm hungrier than I'm feeling because right now the idea of even dealing with the caf throws me into a frustrated rage. Which is insane.
Clearly you need chocolate cake, sarameg. Or possibly I'm projecting.
Mmm, cake.
And after yesterday's ear-wax conversation, I'm suddenly obsessed with the contents of my ear canal. I'm a freak.
I'm obsessed too. It's especially bad becaause the inside of my right ear is vaguely hurty, and I thought it was from wearing my iPod headphnes too long, but now I'm convinced it is a WAXMONSTER OMGWTF.
Also, on The O.C. last night, I was so freaked out that they were going to kill Lindsey, which would suck. And I agree about the dumbassness of Ryan's leaving her there alone, the extreme gayness of Zach's line, and the uglitude of Marissa's outfit. oh, and I'm also over Seth.
breaks out the snow-producing ferrets
at night, the ice weasels come...
eta Given Cindy's subsequent comment, that takes on an unfortunate new meaning. Sorry.