Good morning. I stressed myself out something awful yesterday for fear I wouldn't get stuff done my boss needs for his trip. I'm now an hour into my day with 2 errands left before my agenda is completed.
I have no one to share this with but y'all- I SAW THE BEST DALLAS EVER OVER THE PAST 2 DAYS!!!
I usually watch Dallas every day when I get home from work because it's good campy fun. It's really late in the series now, and even Sue Ellen has moved off to England. JR has a bastard son. All kinds of stuff. JR quit drinking, but then everybody abandoned him. So he's all depressed at the end of the one on Monday and falls asleep drunk with a gun in his hand. Sooo....
Joel Grey shows up and JR thinks he's like Clarence, come to bring him back from the brink of suicide by showing him what life would be like if he were never born. So Bobby's a no good gambler, Cliff is POTUS, Sue Ellen's a soap actress, Kristen is a hustler Gary is a lady killer lawyer and there's another brother who turns Southfork into a crappy development. Turns out Joel Grey is actually in league with the devil and trying to get JR to kill himself, and when JR wakes up from his "dream" Joel's in the mirror (dressed in a dapper red suit) telling him to "Do it!" and then his eyes go red, and as Bobby comes in the house and is starting upstairs, there's a gunshot.
It was awesome!!!