Huh. In my dream world, I am a capitalist oppressor. Go dream team me.
Bwah! The thing that cracks me up most about mom's snow excitement is that she does most of the shoveling/snow-blowing. So, she knows what a pain in the ass it is. Still, she sees each snow as a "sign."
I'm not really making fun of her. There is a long line of snow coming right at the right time for our big family decisions (and snow at weird May). I just think it's so funny that she's using it right now when it's snowing like every. other. day.
I am SO tagging that, Cindy
Huh. We're gettin 6" to 12" of snow. There will be blowing and drifting. At least the worst of it will be on the weekend.
I know, and I'm so excited about it. Excited enough that people in my office are already cursing me. Ah, the life of the non-driver in the city. I'll think of them while they're struggling to run all their errands out in the burbs.
In my dream world, their are personal snow removal contractors, who work for $5.00/hour and not only plow your driveway, but shovel your steps and walks, and apply sand and/or salt to them.
Huh. In my dream world, I am a capitalist oppressor. Go dream team me.
Nah, just wait a couple of years. If you listen to my father, that right there is one of the primary reasons people spawn in the first place.
Announcement: Blah. I am in my serious January "it's too fucking cold", wanting to sleep fr 3 weeks, or, alternatively stare blankly into space for hours at a time phase. My skin is dry and itchy and I feel very uncomfortable in my body.
Analysis: It's winter, dumbass (directed at myself)
(directed at myself)
That you included this made me laugh out loud. (in a good way)
I am not looking forward to the snow and all it will entail. I hope it skips us. I think the one inch from Wednesday was just a mean-spirited poke so that I'd have a recent memory of an easy, pleasant, little snow to look back on with sad longing. I hate weather. And possibly take nature too personally.
I am in the JFK terminal in New Yawk, just now. This much ugly architecture all at one time is an assault on the senses worthy of a Marti Noxon series.
However, they have wifi, so all is forgiven.
Having just caught up with the overnights and the stories of your time in purgatory Bern, it feels like Gus must have been on the fastest flight evah. (And yeah, JFK is the suck.)
Frank, I so hear you. It's the same here. What's your temp this morning? It's 4 here and damp. Brrrrr.
According to, it's a balmy 0 degrees in Salem with an apparent temp of, get this, -19. Boston is a little better, as it is a whole 3 degrees warmer. Sadly, the app. temp is -18 so the difference doesn't carry.
There is a long line of snow coming right at the right time for our big family decisions (and snow at weird May).
Do you think she could hold off on any big decisions until the middle of a week sometime in April, say? If there's enough accumulation that time of year, I'd probably get a snow day off from work, and because it's April it would be gone in no time. Thanks.
From now on, when it's snowing, I'm gonna say "vw's mom! Hey look everyone, it's vw's mom, with a snow blower".
t /random
Welcome back Gus! We are in the same borough right NOW AIFG! It's almost like we get to meet, except not. Meeting you would be much more fun than being at work.
I missed my morning meeting - the guy was here early, met with teh other people he had to (apparently in record time) and left. poop. Now I have to write an apology note.
ignoring snow talk.