OMFG, that was Bobby from Bobby and Sissy of the Lawrence Welk show singing Asscroft's immense Ode to Crap (and why oh why do I know this) at the MisInauguration? We totally have to quest to find the portal back from BIZARRO-land!
I'm gonna be sick.
Holy crap! They are announcing boarding right when I thought I'd deciphered PMM's thing. Possibly.
Hi Consuela, Hi Plei! How are you both?
Hi Consuela, Hi Plei! How are you both?
Very sleepy! And taking a break from work (I napped in the afternoon, so I'm finishing late.)
I've written 300 words of fic tonight. And my hands are cold. And I should probably do the dishes before I go to bed.
Which I should do soon.
How are you?
I am being a sloth. Well, a sloth that does work and watches TV, but a sloth nonetheless.
I still love Seth, even though he's acting like a 17-year-old butthead. Zach is the new Seth, I've noticed and you all are welcome to him.
I'll pass, Kat, since I am busy with Sayid.
Thanks, though.