Calgary has the White Hats where you can arrange for your incoming guests to be warmly greeted and given a cowboy hat and they have a country and western band playing. With bonus Yee-haws and howdies.
Of course, this has a 98% chance of inciting me to commit an atrocity, but there must be people who like it.
You know, they'd really do better not to go with the cookie cutter approach. El Paso used to have a bunch of local merchants and restauranteurs that were damned good. People used to go there just to shop or to eat. Since the renov, not so much. OTOH, they do have cool lizard carpetting. But no more cool shops unlike any others.
Jamaican waiting rooms are nothing much, and few and far between. But incoming guests are often met in Montego Bay with singing and alcohol.
Alcohol is always good.
I did like Barcelona's post-Olympics airport. Mainly because the customs guys were attractive and very nice to me and bought me booze and it was so fast to get in and out.
My Tivo cut off the end of the OC promo. I assume it was
I actually surprised myself liking the way that last scene tonight played out. It was far less anvilly than I expected. (Relative to the OC's usual anvils, I mean.)
And then the nurse called me back in and took a big syringe filled with hot water and SHOT IT INTO MY EAR./ And then she said, "Allyson, this thing has legs." / And there was this HUGE BALL OF WAX the size of a Jelly Belly. In fact, it looked like a Popcorn flavored Jelly Belly.
Been there, done that, we should have t-shirts. I still don't understand how it got OUT, because it is not a flexible hole. Maybe that's why it took about 3 shots of the syringe. Weird thing is, I wasn't not hearing, but after the fact I realized those odd, echoey clicks I'd been hearing for months that I was worried might be tinitus were probably sound trying to get through the BIG, HONKING HUNK OF GUNK.
I haven't used q-tips since. Ear drops - that's the key, even if they are a pain (given you have to leave them in for a period on each side) and viscous.
I share ita's ear irrigation love. It's a wonderful feeling that I cannot duplicate at home.
Airports. Too long since I've been in any but MSY or OAK to comment. Oh, the train thingy between terminals at Dallas is nifty.
Unless you are going to the commuter line terminal. Then it is train and then bus and they are rarely coordinated and often overstuffed.
There are terminals beyond the train? Perhaps the new transit thingy that I read all the info on while I waited will solve that problem. I thought I would never forget the details,but alas, I cannot even remember the name, Coming in 2005, that's all I know.
Mo' Bay has the liquor. Dem Canadiens got dem White Hats.
What has the rest of the world got for the
people? Rocking chairs.
Because the arriving people are now old, and need them.