It's VERY ANNOYING, and I think the Minister of Kill the Stupid People should step up and do his job, which right now is killing the people involved with picking the music for the inaugural orchestra because they're stupid.
Where do you think the backlog is coming from?
Probably because I figure they must also assume that there's some sort of sugar daddy relationship, and I enjoy leading the imaginary double life where I'm suddenly rich and greedy.
People regularly assume I'm 10 years younger than my real age. Which means that when people see Pete and I out at dinner at a nice place, an awful lot of them assume I'm Pete's mid-life crisis freaky goth chick arm doily. I'm amused by it, but it makes him a bit cranky.
I just spotted someone I know on Strange Love. (He'd told me he saw it filming and that he might have ended up in the background of one shot. He's actually got a closeup for several seconds.) This is very weird.
I also really like Cindy's son's teacher. That's awesome. I always had teachers confiscating my books, because they thought I should be playing more in my free time. People like your son's teacher should be given awards.
I think she's probably all for balance as well, although I don't think she would have confiscated your books. But when Ben got a B+ on a test, he was upset, and went up to ask her why. The first thing she did was tell him that he was not allowed to be upset about getting a B, ever, because a B is a good grade. Then, she explained where he went wrong, and told him she thought it was great that he asked, because it gave him a new chance to learn, and that's what it was all about.
I wonder if I can bribe her into teaching fourth grade, too.
People regularly assume I'm 10 years younger than my real age. Which means that when people see Pete and I out at dinner at a nice place, an awful lot of them assume I'm Pete's mid-life crisis freaky goth chick arm doily. I'm amused by it, but it makes him a bit cranky.
Haha. Yeah. I guess girls do get the more entertaining, though obviously wrong, assumption in this scenario. Because by definition it's leaving the guy looking rather insecure and/or without charms other than money. Which isn't as entertaining, I suppose.
Now see, I have a tradition dating back to the 3rd grade of singing "God bless my underwear", which takes the bombast and annoying pro-religious nationalism right out of the situation! It's almost as fun as singing "My reindeer flies sideways" to the graduation theme song (whose title I don't know).
It is almost as funny as breaking out in the actual lyrics of the Devil's Brigade March when it is being played (on bagpipes) in slow, serious tones during parades. How can one keep a straight face when singing,
Tall, small or weighty
long as she's under 80
I will give her a kiss that she will never forget
'Cause all I want is a woman
any kind of a woman
When I find me a woman we'll be glad that we met.
But when Ben got a B+ on a test, he was upset, and went up to ask her why. The first thing she did was tell him that he was not allowed to be upset about getting a B, ever, because a B is a good grade. Then, she explained where he went wrong, and told him she thought it was great that he asked, because it gave him a new chance to learn, and that's what it was all about.
I flat-out adore this teacher.
My problem with "God Bless America" isn't so much the GodYay -- it's the bombast. It seems to leave people thinking the title is a command, not a plea.
There's something very masturbatory about the way it's sung and (over)played these days. I don't think that quality was always there.
For my money, America the Beautiful would me highly preferable if you must stray from the actual anthem. Still some god in there for those who need it, but not as strident.
I think she's probably all for balance as well, although I don't think she would have confiscated your books.
I did play. They just did not condone reading, ever, during school (or after school care) hours. So I had to sneak books. Trust me, this teacher sounds nothing like them.