When my dad and I go to the movies or out to eat, folks assume we're a couple, which skeeves the fuck out of me. My dad looks exceptionally young. He thinks it's great and it strokes is ego that people think he's so young, while I'm having a fit of heebie jeebies across from him.
My father and sister were offered a hotel room with one bed upon checkin once. It took her weeks for her skin to stop crawling.
He's reasonably young-looking, and she looked late 20s even though I think she was early 20s at the time.
In the picture books, all of the nominees are spinach -- holocaust, segregation and vietnam war are the topics. Doesn't that scream spinach.
Maybe even liver and onions with a side of spinach.
This is what I appreciate about my son's teacher. The book he chose for his first book report this year was kind of light (I thought). I asked her if it was okay. She said, "I already know he can read. I want him to love to read, so I want him to read what he loves."
Kat - the Jaime Escalante movie is Stand and Deliver with Edward James Olmos as Escalante.
This is what I appreciate about my son's teacher. The book he chose for his first book report this year was kind of light (I thought). I asked her if it was okay. She said, "I already know he can read. I want him to love to read, so I want him to read what he loves."
t heart
Cindy's son's teacher.
My father and sister were offered a hotel room with one bed upon checkin once.
My brother and I have had similar things more than once and we look distinctly alike. Ew.
Kristin, I do too. She's given him back his joy where school is concerned. This is a little boy who, since pre-school, has adored school. He'd cry when I'd make him stay home sick. Last year sucked almost every ounce of joy out of him. Last night, it was snowing, and I told the kids if it was too bad out this morning, I'd be keeping them home, whether or not school was called. He protested vociferously--even though he has a social studies test, today. :) :) :)
(The went to school--oh, and now I have to go get Julia. Later, gators.)
I <heart> Cindy's son's teacher.
Aw, I must have skimmed over that. I do too. That's great.
Cindy, I try to have a similar attitude. On committee, I spend a lot of time arguing for The Funny or The Creepy ("'Cmon! It starts with a line about how we murdered him! What high school kid won't love it?" or "Dude, it's funny. Dog, as detective, plus its a total riff on Dragnet. It's gotta win.")
Thanks, msbelle. You're the bestest (and the pinkest), even if you aren't the nicest.
Currently, the book I'm reading is total spinach. I like it, but I can't imagine giving it to a kid. Sammy and Juliana in Hollywood doesn't suck, but it's not filling me with joy either.
My brother and I have gotten the same. Yerg.
What's funnier, though, is that people assume my brother & his wife are brother and sister, which freaks them out.
And then there was the time I was out with them and a cashier did the whole deal: assumed I was the wife (& mother to my nephew) and my SIL was his sister. The looks on everyones' faces were just....great.
When a friend of mine was about 16, she would sometimes take her one year old brother out - she got a lot of dirty looks from people who assumed he was her son.