OK, so the SuperSekrit HQ is in LA?
I thinks so. Last week
Sloane wanted to take Nadia to a restaurant on Melrose. That'd be in LA.
And the cute party at Syd's was in LA.
they're all here.
How? Who knows? Who cares? Makes it easier for them to film. And maybe they'll film by
our favorite brunch place again.
Hey, whitefont current season details, please.
Nah, I'm ok this time. I'm one of those people who hates to cry in public but will completely be emotionally manipulated. So I haven't cried over really bad shit in reality, but show me a sappy commercial? Meltdown. So stupid. I was SO PISSED at Titanic. I hated it. And yet...bawled. Uncontrollably. Mainly because I play the "deeper into the story, all those people..." And then I get pissy over natural and unnatural disasters. If I'm going to cry, I'm going to help. Otherwise, tears are utterly pointless so time to kick myself!
It's fun being me.
I thought we saw the LA place card come up before
the quitting scene.
I dunno - it seemed to make sense on rewatch.
I thought the hospital with the Ice-5 wing was supposed to be in Montenegro.
I think the (Alias)
brother and sister were Irish. IRA affiliated.
lori, you might be right about that. I know I was confused, but that would be an easy fix. I think i just assumed that
she had just left the CIA HQ.
Oh, yeah, I get that. I'm so easily manipulated by entertainment. Well, and real things, too. But I do crying in private if I can help it. At least movie theaters are dark. I just used to be able to control it better. I'm the Hallmark commercial makers' dream sap. Anyone remember the old man, and the little girl who gave him a scarf for Christmas or, maybe, birthday? Yeah.
I assumed as much. But that was Kelly MacDonad's regular Scottish accent, so I was confused.
JenP, oh yeah. Not that one in particular but...
I've gotten worse over the years. I used to have better control. Now I just wait until everyone leaves the theater. Hey, maybe that's why the only time in the last 3 years I've seen movies in theaters is visiting my parents (last one was in Mongolian or something about the legend of the white camel. Or something. And yes, I cried.)