Stack the Cats. Best game EVAR.
EEEEE! Created by one of my Faire buddies, and one of the sweetest most self-effacing twisty comic geniuses ever!
Seriously. It's only Monday night, and that totally makes my week.
bubbles over with Jessica and Brian Frisk love
It sounds like TAR was good, or at least discussion worthy. Yay.
Okay, THAT made my week. In my brain, first day of the work week=Monday, but by God it's actually TUESDAY. AND Jess loves Brian Frisk's game. BEST DAY EVER.
hugs P-C like mad for the Tuesdayness
Stack the Cats. Best game EVAR.
Jess, you owe me twenty minutes of my life that is now lost forever.
level 7, bay-bee!
ey Kristin! I have to write 10 weeks of curriuculum. I have 6 done, mostly, you wanna do the rest for me?
hugs P-C like mad for the Tuesdayness
Hee hee. I didn't do it! But I'll take credit for it anyway. Like ita said, I'm going to be a journalist when I grow up.
how many games of stack the cat have I played?
Kat, can you hear that from 3000 miles away? That's the sound of me laughing.
We will not discuss the exams I have yet to grade. Then there might also be crying.
Kristin today was my last day teaching. I'm creating this curriculum but I don't have to teach it, so it doesn't even have to be good! HA! I'm on week 7. I wrote weeks 1-6 in 35 mintues over lunch!