Anne and Jesse, yeah. But given all the
niceynicey I've seen elsewhere
(yeah, I'm spoiled, I was that
) I didn't expect it.
good people, either of them. I honestly don't think any human should be subjected to that shit that J inflicted. However, I didn't like V for crap either. She needs a spine, regardless of her shitty choices.
OK, yep, the Owen brothers. Big dorks, but still OK. Which I don't get, so totally not my ill defined type. Makes no sense.
Mmm. Gotta love a good dork, I do. Of course, the definition of "good" in this case is a bit hard to pin down, but still. Mandatory love.
My dorks are usually qualified with not-blond, not-pale. It's a thing. Been a few exceptions that mystify me. OK, actor wise a few. Actual people I interact with, well, that's more explainable. Probably growing up where I did, where the definition of attractive leaned towards darker hair and not-my-pale-freckled-skin. God I wanted olive skin and black hair forEVER.
Oh, P-C, that was
the best India story. These were my favorite parts:
This was symbolism: marriage is silly.
Hello!" I said to Mehulbhai in Gujarati. "What's your name?" "Shut up," he replied in English.
It just sounds so awesome.
HELL FUCKING YEAH. (I was spoiled, since DH is interviewing them tomorrow. But when it happened, we still both high-fived each other and shouted "YAAY, POOCHIE'S DEAD!") And I loved how Phil was trying valiantly to keep the giant grin off his face.
Next to go needs to be Freddy and Kendra. And then Adam and Rebecca. I've got nothing against Rebecca, but Adam makes my teeth hurt. I think Lori and Bolo must be more tired than anyone else at this point, just because their bodies require so many more calories to keep going.
I have trouble telling the Wilson brothers apart, but wouldn't kick either of them out of bed for eating crackers.
As for TAR:
woo-hoo! Our long national nightmare is ov- oh wait, Bush is still in office. At least it's a little bit better, anyway.
Now we can just concentrate our hatred on
Exactly, Theo.
What was it?
'They choose it this way' re: poverty.
Um, yeah sugar.
All Three Brothers Wilson
Though Andrew is the Obscure Bit Part Wilson.
These were my favorite parts:
Hee hee! Glad you liked it.
You know, this Law and Order would be a lot more compelling if it weren't for the fact that the girl is so obviously
a boy in drag.