Give me her address, and I'll drive Kuma out and leave him on her doorstep with a little Paddington-Bear-Style note.
Hah! They'd so take him that way. 3 of the 4 cats they have were acquired because someone else abandoned them (one was a road not-kill, the other 2 were a momma kitty and one of her litter- they gave away the other 4- left in a crate by a Pizza Hut dumpster.) need an exit number off I-25?
(kidding, but I have a sense of the exasperation.)
If clear is considered a color, I have two different colors of nail polish in my house.(Hey, I rarely wear the stuff)
you need an exit number off I-25?
exit number and detailed directions.
oooh posole! See it's a good deal all around.
ita, Henh. Weird. How's Z?
I just need to run around with the camera and snap photos. I need to clean the kitchen from the party but once I do that I may take some more pictures later this evening.
Waitin' for the pictures. No pressure or anything. Except I've been online way too much today, and since I'm on dial-up, I do feel the need to get offline every now and then in case someone, you know, wants to call. Plus, completely unrelated, but I can't type this evening. Which makes it so great that I finally figured out the arrow thing in the Linux terminal, 'cause that let me avoid at least 3/4 of the typing. Of course, the arrow thing is no good here.
t /stream-of-consciousness drivel
You have posole? Or you'll get it while there? The latter... Go to I-10, get off at Avenida de Mesilla and go to Andele's which looks like it is housed in an old but renovated to other purposes gas station. Nummy posole. As well as everything else. Phenomenal guacamole and tamales and rellenos that don't actually taste as heavy as they are. Also good is Roberto's off Lohman. OK, you are making me homesick. Or food-homesick.
How's Z?
He's doing well. Getting ready for his pre-trip to Baja and then the big trip. It's so cool to watch people work, especially when you have no idea what they do. But now I have a better one -- he made a nice glam bright coloured living room, and the post-inferno version for the boys to rock out on. Extremely excited about the pieces of burnt house he brought in from Los Feliz.
Most fascinating to me was the focus puller. I still think it's a kind of magic, that someone standing
to the camera is the one focusing it as it moves around. And some guy not even near the camera is the one rotating and zooming. And the other guy actually moving it around.
But focus is hard! Focus when you can't see the image just so is beyond my ken.
mmmm....homesick for food.
I am flirting with the idea of calling my bro to see if he'll foster Kuma for a bit and drivign the damn beast up to Grants Pass.
The vents are built into the floor (I live in the basement, mind) and there's a crack somewhere in the concrete that allows water into them. Somehow a certain combination of the water level and the temperature causes them to "woof" when the furnace is running. Since this is all taking place underneath the concrete floor, there's nothing he can do. I just have to wait until the temp and/or water level changes enough to allow the air to pass freely.
Sounds like a recipe for mold spores, to me.
Extremely excited about the pieces of burnt house he brought in from Los Feliz.
He was excited or you were?
He was excited or you were?
He was. I was disappointed he hadn't gotten to burn a house down himself.