See, I have that inappropriate humor response and I was gonna ask if she wanted Kuma. Cause you know, I'm ready to give his little curly-tailed-ass away.
Heh. I DO think they should get another dog because mom likes the walking companion (and I feel she's better to have one and otherwise she won't and she needs to,) but...not going to broach that yet.
But once it came time for the actual injection, it hit all of us hard
Ayup. My bad humor pops up at random to save me, where hers goes into remission until she's feeling better. Just last night mom was mocking herself for the fact she was making special meals for Goobs, complaining about the hassles of cleaning puke out of the rug, how she hadn't not slept through the night since my brother was a teenager and how as soon as Goober was gone, it was New Carpets All The Time.
Today, she spent the day avoiding crying by steam cleaning the whole damned house, washing Goober's bedding, running the leftover food to the shelter and crying her eyes out in between.
The cats aren't a damned bit of help, as these guys are rather heartless when it came to Goobs. I'm betting a couple of them will start acting funky after a few days, but the rest...yeah, not really so commisserating.