Halle Berry's dress? Seriously, it looks sort of wrong because it's all about each breast looks like they are about to either break through or fall out. weird.
Also, Nora Zeale-Hurston is a lost writer in American Lit? Is she on crack?
Their Eyes Are Watching God
is commonly read in high school.
She looks lovely in red.
She really does. Ah, well. The lazy google. That's what I get.
(not really here, off crying and looking in the mirror, really)
me too. ita, i'm looking for the aerosole info.
Also, Nora Zeale-Hurston is a lost writer in American Lit? Is she on crack? Their Eyes Are Watching God is commonly read in high school.
Um, yeah. I teach it.
Loud in here tonight, huh.
Aerosole home party.
It's all of Jesse's shouting.
I was just trying to speak loud enough so all the people in the other room would hear me. For reals.
Well it worked! Here I am!
quester, good idea. Since Allyson took her purple hair off somewhere else, you could fill that niche. You might have to audition, though.
Well, my hair is naturally a dark warm brown. is that close enough?
Seen straight on, I like Nicole Kidman's dress. But it doesn't thrill me. Still haven't seen Halle's, but then I'm kinda bouncing back and forth between the TV and reading fic. I suppose there will be a new People out tomorrow with do's and don'ts.