Have you tried muscle relaxants, aurelia?
God, the end of tonight's OC gave me a goofy smile, which, really, is creepy.
While I do agree that
Jimmy is a pretty crappy dad,
I don't think
he was any better THERE.
I have no idea how one
goes away to grow up,
or how long it takes. That's the flaw in an otherwise ... dubious plan.
I haven't. PMS drugs have that, right?
I need a reminder. How does Jimmy connect to Cohens?
PMS drugs have that, right?
I don't know.
My doctor prescribed me flexoril to knock myself unconscious if the Imitrex doesn't work. It's not a practical drug, since I can't function on it, but it sure beats the crushing pain if I catch the headache before it roots into my brain, while it's still attached to my knotty neck.
How does Jimmy connect to Cohens?
Jimmy used to date Kirsten who then married Sandy. And they used to live next door, before the whole scandal.
DAMN. ita beat me to the tag.
DAMN. I don't care.
I wasn't saying anything. I was just looking.
I decided to take the first tagworthy thing I hear, but I admit, I almost changed it again. But then, I love both logarithms and uppercuts, although more with the uppercut.
I might see if I can find an OTC relaxant tomorrow. I wouldn't categorize this as crushing pain, but it is getting pretty old.
One of these days I really should go see one of those doctor type people.
Favorite line of the night so far
"You're breath smells like Marissa!"