Gilmore Girls was watchable for me at the end of last season, and the start of this one, in a way it's never been before. This of course doesn't mean it isn't getting worse -- it just means I don't care, so nyah.
I like to give shows a shot at the start -- if the concept grabs my eye, two or three eps, to be sure, unless the pilot smacks me around and asks for money. Then I get into an inertia issue, which is sort of where I am with VM.
Oh, another shot of
Rick Yune
unless the pilot smacks me around and asks for money
Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
I tend to forget when things are on the air, is my problem. And before got cable, my reception was so crappy I rarely went through the hassle of getting stations to come in unless I already knew I loved the show.
Gilmore Girls was watchable for me at the end of last season, and the start of this one, in a way it's never been before.
Oh, really. I had kind of liked it, but when she went to college, it was so bad I couldn't take it any more.
Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
Asking for money is so tacky.
it was so bad I couldn't take it any more.
I tried it when she just started school and it was cloying and annoying. And she needed to be emancipated from her mother, or vice versa. But that dynamic, which I hate, is no longer front and centre.
I tried it when she just started school and it was cloying and annoying. And she needed to be emancipated from her mother, or vice versa. But that dynamic, which I hate, is no longer front and centre.
Yeah, that was when I gave up on it. But I guess it doesn't matter, since in a couple of weeks, I'll miss most of it anyway. Ah well.
I think VM might be my favorite show of the new season. I would take it over DH and Lost easy.
I really like GG this season and had hated it like 2 years ago, after loving it at the beginning.
I can rarely stick with a show until it ends. see: Buffy and Angel.
Asking for money is so tacky.
I still don't get the metaphor, sadly.
I can rarely stick with a show until it ends. see: Buffy and Angel.
So often that's your best bet, though. I was just talking abut the g.d. X-files last night.