I totally watch Alias for the wigs and the boom. I actually get bored when the plot gets in the way. I am so deep!
And for the record? I think the wig count stayed at 3, and the underwear at 3, if you count tank top in bed. I was kind of disappointed (about the wigs, people.)
And the flickering flourescents may creep me out in garages from here on out.
Owwww. I woke up with a migraine, which would suck enough on its own, but I also don't get to go ipod my car.
Today gets no biscuits, do you hear me-NONE.
New possible subtitles for ALIAS:
There is not enough therapy in the world
My Family is more fucked up than your family
Lena is NOT coming back people, stop emailing JJ
Sure we have the skill and training to take out Sloan without evidence or trace, but.....DAMN you and your logical thinking
Two pouty sisters is surely better than one, right?
Dude, the Rimbaldi shit doesn;t even make sense to US anymore, but we will still mention it at least once an episode.
I was deeply disappointed in the three wig count. Vaughn is THE HOT. I think it is best to forget the details from season to season with Alias..
Lee, I have a headache that shows all the signs that it could turn into a migraine. And I'm exhausted. AND I just checked my bank account online and I somehow overdrew my account by $60. I have overdraft protection, but that's not the point. I feel irresponsible. AND I get paid tomorrow, so if that $60 had been just a little slower, I wouldn't have overdrawn. (Not that that alleviates my fiscal irresponsibility.)
I agree. Today gets no cookies, no soup, no biscuits. Only gruel.
Today gets no cookies, no soup, no biscuits. Only gruel.
I third. I have to go into the dentist today for the root canal and bridge-replacement assessment/checkup/whatever. Nyargh.
Texas court reverses murder convictions of Andrea Yates, the woman found guilty of drowning her 5 children in bathtub.
Huh. Looking for details now.
OH WAIT! I meant to also say
I am suspicious of the Kristen and ita coffee - I suspect that I am jealous.
and Kat, back away from the Alias slash, there will be no canon of that.
Looks like she will be retried. Expert testimony was bad. Odd.
Whee! Loading Alias tape to watch. Better late than never.
hunh, I just got a random Friendster email. I keep forgetting that is still around. Maybe I should close out my profile.