You know what is a terrible look? capri pants and boots.
Oh, man. I saw this woman the other day who was just tragic. (OK, not tragic like the tsunami. I contain multitudes.) She had her jeans rolled up with Mukluks or some shit, and a white belt, AND the jeans were low-rise and tight enough that she had a bulge over the top. And she was skinny. OY.
Alias - Bwah --
Also - isn't it so sweet that there were storm warnings during the finale of Alias last May and now, during the premiere -- also massive storm warnings.
I saw a woman with brown loose capri pants, and high-heeled black boots.
Seriously. no.
Saffron lips! Lips of Saffron!
Alias: well, who didn't see
would work so well if
Irina weren't really dead
. I am so sad that there
won't be more Rick Yune.
Also, local news is saying that the police have solved the Helen Brach case.
Aw, man. J.J., why didya have to go and
kill Rick Yune? I mean, OK, evil. But hot! With a sense of humor! They could have made him into a recurring villain.
the Alias whitefont is killing me! I'm sitting on my hands to avoid clicking on it.
I think I can say, without fear of spoilage, that Weiss is still my favorite. No, wait, Marshall! No, Weiss! No-- can't I just have them both?