Oh dear. Are you in KC, Mr. Broom?
I'm finding myself increasingly skeptical and/or cynical about many things, so I understand your point of view, Allyson. I also find myself wondering about hurricane recovery in poverty stricken areas. Are they doing okay, or have they just been forgotten?
Mmmm, chocolate milk.
I gave to Save The Children and Doctors Without Borders, because they were there. I've also given to the Grameen Foundation, who does micro-lending in underdeveloped nations. Rather like Heifer, but without the livestock. Well, and they have to repay the loan. But it's all about developing self-sufficiency.
I'm in Lawrence, aurelia. While the streets don't get as thorough or immediate attention as they do out your way, I live on one of the brick-paved ones, which maintain traction under the slickest of conditions. That's good. Of course, I can't get into my car. That's bad. Not that I need to leave my house at all today. That's... okay.
Ah, I thought you were in that general area, Mr. Broom. I may need to check in with the family. I'm back in Chicago where we are getting snow instead of ice.
I'd lay good odds on them being fine. Visibility's normal and nothing's falling right now. Just that every available surface is encrusted with ice and the trees aren't enjoying it. That and the damn cold.
Funny how that 'leaving after 8 hours thing' didn't exactly work out as planned. However, if I wake up feeling like this tomorrow, I stay home and watch DVDs.
Now, if my car and I can just get home in one piece...
The most fabulous gift I received this year was a donation to Heiffer.org in my name. A wee goat.
I TOLD my parents to get me a goat from them. Did they? No. I think they still think I was kidding. I'm going to try to make a point of giving them bunnies or something next.
Speaking of "what ever happened with..." the Monitor ran an article on Bam in Iran today. That earthquake occured Dec 26, 2003.
" Yet a year after nearly 90 percent of Bam was leveled (see map), just $17 million of $1 billion in foreign-aid pledges has come in, says President Mohammed Khatami."
t reads ita's story and hides under bed.
t again.
t contemplates installing a refrigerator under bed.
<reads ita's story and hides under bed.>
Yeah, my mother emailed us all the same link, and told us to duck.