So, Matt, what is the deal? Overtime is just another name for unpaid work? Not a good way to encourage a strong work ethic, I'd imagine.
I suspect it's only just dawned on her that the way that's worded means putting deadlines in a crunch-prone business at the mercy of resentful workers whose motivation to put in more than 40 hours has been eliminated.
I mean, in the past I've had no real objection to working long hours (within reason), but that was with the expectation of either getting paid for them or receiving compensatory time off. Somehow I don't see working nights and weekends out of sheer gratitude for a company that's now throwing up roadblocks to me taking time off that I've already earned and making me get up at the crack of dawn so everyone's hours look the same on a chart somewhere.
I think "baby bag" works better, really.
Pimp cups are a signifier of ... nothing. In fact, I deem them bling-wannabe.
Bradley uses the term "baby box" for uterus?!?
(for instance, he thinks "uterus" is too technical a term for mothers-to-be, so he says "baby box"),
Matt, are you an exempt employee or not? They don't have to pay exempt employees more for working longer hours, right?
Okay, this is fascinating, in a sad way. Two kids, one dead, one alive got mixed up in the tsunami effect because "all European kids look alike to me". [link]
Basically, you learn to distinguish the cues you see every day.
What a charitable soul. Snort. POTUS has seen fit to make a personal donation: [link]
Bradley's definitely a nutty guy (for instance, he thinks "uterus" is too technical a term for mothers-to-be, so he says "baby box")
Good lord, how patronizing. Has any one suggested to him that mothers-to-be and post-lobotomy are two different catagories?
Sandra Bullock donated a million. Sharon Osbourne gave more than he did. Ah, well. It's become a media-highlighted pissing contest.
A co-worker just (cheerily) told me he has something to give me that's not appropriate at work. Then he disappeared.
he thinks "uterus" is too technical a term for mothers-to-be, so he says "baby box"
"baby bag" is just as bad.
Bradley uses the term "baby box" for uterus?!?
Hey, he was 90% kook. But his birthing method seems to be nothing but good ideas (again, the key is keeping the mother relaxed, keeping the parents informed, encouraging the mother to do exercises that tend to align the baby correctly in the womb, birthing at one's own rate, avoiding drugs that may be harmful to mother and child, bringing the father into the delivery room, and such). His book (the Husband-Coached Childbirth) is poorly written, and the official Bradley method workbooks could use a good copy editor. But I think he's right, despite his eccentricities.