LJ already did that
Which change? It keeps switching me to the strange new thing (okay, five times, but that's five times more than I wanted), and once to someone else's journal entirely (he's now friended me, which is weird). But I seem to remember the standard interface being around for a while, even though it's no longer default.
yeah, for some reason that didn't bother me. It didn't change the way I used the place, so I didn't really notice much.
The posting window. I do like the newness, since it shows user and mood icons.
The new posting box still doesn't resize right with Firefox using the Dystopia scheme. It's too frelling wide, and they don't seem to want to hear any complaints about it.
eta: Having the icons right there are nice, but sometimes that combo box doesn't show up for me, seemingly at random.
I don't know what that means. or I don't know what schemes are. or something. my box fits on my screen using Firefly is most of what I know.
I also know a bean and cheese burrrito is in my near future.
You people confused me up there, with sara and hayden and consuela's posts -- I thought Mrs. hayden was going to be giving birth underwater! But nsm, right?
Also, Alias is like VIP? Maybe I will give it a try!
I think everyone said everything I had to say about TAR, but the music in that one part just made me laugh and laugh. And I still hate most of them at least some of the time, which also made me more likely to laugh at their pain.
Prep takes so much longer than the actual meeting.
I used to work at a place where a meeting with the president meant a pre-meeting with the vp, a pre-meeting for that pre-meeting, and separate written materials for each of the meetings. I shit you not.
Jesse, I thought the same thing when I first read
It took me a couple of moments to sort it all out.
She's great. And by "great," I mean she's healthy and carrying around a big ol' baby in her belly. We're only 6 weeks out from the due date! Jeez, I feel like I'm never going to get everything ready in time. But we took a class on the Bradley method of natural birthing, and we feel fairly confident that we can handle whatever we face.
Hayden, I didn't realize y'all were so close. Go team baby! What does the Bradley method entail?
Also, Alias is like VIP? Maybe I will give it a try!
Smaller boobies, natch.
Prep takes so much longer than the actual meeting.
I wish. We have two hour weekly status meetings, for which I need to do no prep. Which is just as well, because everyone else eats 1 hour and 50 minutes talking about FOUR PROJECTS TOTAL, and I can bring folks up to speed on my six in ten minutes.
What is their damage? And why do I have to sit there for it?
Actually, I know why. I think we're pretty close to a fist fight breaking out. I need to be there for that.
ok, VIP is like a comedy Alias, without international intrigue and just silly bad guys. But there are costumes and wigs and fights. I think there are more explosions in VIP.