LJ hates me today -- I went to the site and the place to log-in is
What's up with that?
All the public schools in my area are closed and lots of the private ones as well. And it's snowing very prettily right now.
We are just far enough north to have missed out getting icy/snow mixture instead of snow. (Seriously, the weather reports were saying north of I-88 snow and south of it ice and we're just north of I-88.)
There's still enough that I love about TAR to outweigh the bad. The soup didn't seem nearly as gross as the caviar from last year or the squid from the Reichen/Chip year. I think once you get in a room with all that puke and puking going on, you just can't help but puke, too, unless you have a cast iron stomach or are Rebecca (who totally rocked that challenge). The thing that's really turning me off of TAR is the casting. They are getting to be as bad as The Real World in their search to cast "characters". As long as there's Phil, I'll be around.
I read the Leviathan in college and remember NOTHING. that's all I can add.
I am gathering research on a prospective donor. The person has a) never given to us. b) not stayed in touch. c) given only to orgs within her current state (not NY) that I can determine.
Still, I think there would be a good chance that we could get a sizeable gift from her given her interests and our programs. But I know the people I work for and with. They will want a large gift after one meeting or nothing at all. stoopid expectations. still, I do what they ask. and smile.
sumi, LJ has been sucking for me for a while. I even switched browsers, and it didn't help much.
I've already dropped TAR (after one glorious season of LOVING it) because of the reasons hayden cited. It makes me sad. I do read the TWOP recaps though.
I do, too. And I still love the show when it's good. Considering that the producers obviously read Miss Alli's recaps, maybe they could take her advice a little more often about NOT dumbing the show down.
I would never ever ever wish that on you.
Another one of many reasons I love msbelle.
In other news, for the class I'm taking in "History and Philosophy of Science", I have to prepare a lesson on the second chapter of Leviathan and the Air-Pump. Have you ever heard of it?
Nope, but that sounds fascinating! I have been reading some Kuhn recently, after reading Richard Rorty's take on the guy (inspired by you talking about your class, Nilly). I can't remember -- Y'all must have discussed his theories at some point, right? Are you enjoying the class?
the kerfuffling, I have to say, the first time I got licked electronically, I was a little startled.
All those damp pixels are kind of funky...
Seriously, the weather reports were saying north of I-88 snow and south of it ice and we're just north of I-88.
I-88 seems to be the border for a lot of things. For example, I hear Orcs rarely venture north of I-88.
Is it acceptable to have breakfast desert?
Elevensies. I'm just saying.
Ryan Reynolds is in Men's Health magazine this month. I will be eternally grateful to the not-a-geek kravver who pointed this out to me. Anyway, he eats elevenses -- his POV is that if you feed yourself really regularly, your body won't bother putting on fat, because there's no need to store. Sounds reasonable enough, plus he was really ripped at the time, so there you go.
sumi, LJ has been sucking for me for a while. I even switched browsers, and it didn't help much.
They did a maintenance project last night that was supposed to help the load balancing across their servers. I think there's still a few bugs in the system. (FWIW, I had no problems with LJ until they started the project last night.)