I wish I had some Dr Pepper now. Hmph. I suppose there's some across the street, but STILL.
NYC sports team update: Current plans are for (a) a new stadium on the West Side of Manhattan for the Jets (and theoretically the 2012 Olympics, even though it apparently wouldn't be big enough for international soccer) AND (b) a new arena in Brooklyn for the Nets.
It is a mystery to me why people think we need more major sports in NYC.
Moxie is nasty, nasty stuff.
And what's nastier than Moxie? Moxie AND MILK.
WTF is wrong with people?
Moxie is like a religion up here. And yet again, I am a heathen.
Ting sounds like a sai coming out of its sheath.
I wonder if they sell Coke with real cocaine?
Also, why is it that work sometimes leaves me, by the end of the day, an earworm of "Alices Restaurant"-- just the part where he is saying "Kill. Kill. Kill."
I think sai are traditionally stuck into a belt, no sheath required.
(Pant, pant)
Caught up with time still to wish shrift Happy Birthday!
Okay. Maybe ting is the sound when your sai bounces off a champagne glass.