Grilled cheese and soup is always the right answer. Though I like it with tomato soup.
Happy New Year y'all!! Mine wasn't that great. I spent the early evening all dressed up lying on the couch in the presidential suite the bar rented watching ABC sitcoms and waiting for Mr. H to finish setting up the rooms. When we finally got dressed and headed up to the bar at a little after 10, he got yelled at for being late (never mind that he just set up the two rooms for the after party BY HIMSELF). Soda guns ran out at nearly midnight and he had to go get bottled and canned soda, so I didn't get to kiss him at midnight. Party at the hotel was pretty fun though, and some strange guy who asked to borrow our room's bathroom called me a goddess, so that was nice.
Got a call from a friend this morning. She wants to get a divorce (of course I've heard this from her before). She came and had lunch with me and we talked about what she was going to do. Restraining orders and secret apartments. Very depressing.
In better stuff, the Mac's all set up and in my New Year's optimism, I've set up all sorts of lists and projects and journals and stuff (F2F included). Plus I just set up my iTunes account and am now downloading James McMurtry and listening to his "Red Dress" which makes me happy.