Blockbuster to die? I hope it doesn't take Netflix with it.
I hope the writer's wrong. Maybe he's rich enough that it doesn't matter to him, but at least for me, $20 to buy a DVD is a heck of a lot more than $4 to rent one, and *I* don't want to spend $15-$20 every time I'm moderately curious about a movie. At that price, I might as well see it in the theater.
Plus, I love Netflix.
ita, that calendar is mighty purty.
Huh. I just posted something that hasn't shown up. Now I'm afraid I stupidly posted it in the wrong thread and it won't make any sense. *sigh*
Yeah, every movie isn't worth having, whatever the price.
Yeah, every movie isn't worth having, whatever the price
Yes. I sort of accidently bought Wimdeldon, a "romantic comedy" with Paul Bettany and Kirsten Dunst. I want my 13 dollars back.
I am a terrible person. I was just on the phone with a friend, talking about another friend who just got engaged, and trying to figure out if there's any way we can get out of being in the wedding. Oy.
I sort of accidently bought Wimdeldon, a "romantic comedy" with Paul Bettany and Kirsten Dunst. I want my 13 dollars back.
It does defy its description somewhat .
Not funny or romantic, huh?
I was favorably impressed by 50 First Dates last night. And I had my hackles at the ready, too.
Blockbuster can die for all I care, so long as my local rent-all-you-want place survives. I think the rent-all-you-want deals such as Netflix and the like may kill off the standard chain rental stores, but I doubt DVD rental is going to die off altogether.
I was favorably impressed by 50 First Dates last night. And I had my hackles at the ready, too.
Oh, me, too. I resisted that movie for the longest time. Probably because it had both Adam Sandler and Rob Schneider and all I could see in my mind was schtick. I only watched out of Drew love. It was much better than I expected.