I don't have any NYRs per se. There's a fair bit of stuff I started in '04 that I want to continue -- political activism (sorta kinda), exercise, work stuff, religious stuff. I do know that I'm not giving up coffee. At all. Ever. I might try to give up celibacy, but that was also a goal for '04 and didn't happen. Maybe it's like smoking? You have to try repeatedly before you can quit.
Today I've gone walking in sunny 60F weather and will probably surf and read while drinking hot chocolate and watching the birds mug my feeder. Tonight I'll probably be hanging out with Smonster and some others for a low-key slounge and ball-drop-watch. Tomorrow I have a NY brunch to which I'll be bringing mimosas. It's shaping up to be a good weekend.
tiggy, this November? I'm so lost. Was it referring an lj entry of Denise's or something?
My mom drinks tons of hot water. Of course, the three cups of tea she does drink aren't much stronger.
It turns out, if I stay up until 3, I will sleep until one. Hm. Wasn't intentional, I just really conked back out after I got up to shoot the cat.
Now, the reason I was up to three. They are out of order in weird places, and there are a couple of really random ones in there as many people were stealing my camera, but....ok, it's pretty much all nephew.
Debating braving target. Have gift card, but....Dec 31. Target.
I'm horrified that anyone could think that, much less write, edit, post it.
She said the same thing right after 9/11. She got quite a lot of negative news coverage because of it.
She has a book out that argues that all liberals are guilty of treason. Yes, all liberals.
I just discovered my company matches donations for the tsunami relief. Cool.
t ignoring scary Coulterbeast talk
Thanks for posting the link to the Joss piece. I now have a shiny new tag that features two of my fave writers.
All the best in your new location, Thomash!
I have no New Years plans, either. I was going to see if any of my friends felt like doing anything, but everybody that I feel comfortable calling with spur-of-the-moment stuff is either sick or out of town. If I can't figure out anything else to do, I'll probably end up watching TV and straightening up my apartment, so that I can at least start the new year with a clean apartment. (No idea how long it'll last, but if I'm going to be at home, I feel like I ought to be doing something.)
Fuck Ann Coulter.
I heard my step-father has received a book by Ann Coulter for Christmas.
It's taking every ounce of willpower I have not to write him a letter telling him I never wish to speak to him again.
Fuck Ann Coulter.
Hey! What have we ever done to you, that you would wish such a thing on us?
Nuh uh...tax audit Ann Coulter. Fucking's too good. ;)