When did my laptop get
And why didn't my NAV pick it up until I forced a full system scan because a couple of weird things had happened? And should I be worried about the fact I got an email from someone today who was evidently "replying" to an email of mine that I never sent? Damn.
I. Want. A. Mac.
I should probably change my passwords, huh?
We have Minority Report sitting innocuously in its Netflix sleeve, mocking us for being such slackers that we can't even watch a movie.
I know Hec's tag! I even said it in Bitches after I watched the Pee-Wee Christmas special before he tagged it!
Got a call from a very old, very good friend who I'm in contact with sporadically, at best. Auld lang syne, indeed. Very happy.
My brother and father threw out the old stereo, apparently. With the new CD I gave my sister for x-mas still inside. Dumbasses.
I think you a rediscovering the life of a college student.
Man, I slept a LOT in college. I think I'm too old to properly live the student lifestyle -- I can still stay up, but I can't seem to sleep in.
I can still stay up, but I can't seem to sleep in.
Yes. I was never that good at sleeping in, but I'm appalling at it now.
12oz cafe mocha. It's the least I could do for myself after that hellacious drive in. Some of the worst rain I've had the pleasure to navigate, now with added fog. My traction control got a lot of usage.
I'm glad you made it safely, ita.
How is the traffic this morning? I am wondering how much extra time I should leave for getting to Hugo's.
How is the traffic this morning?
There's pretty much no one on the roads, which made it even sadder. Without rain, that'd have been one of my fastest commutes ever.
To rub it in, the department that dominates this building has a Jeans Friday. It's just not
department. And I'd spent many of my free cycles on the drive in bemoaning the fact that although I really like this skirt, I can't kick people in it.
So, I just wrote a check for first month's rent on a new apartment. Rest of the details forthcoming, but pretty assured.
This is a new and scary world for me. I've never moved unless I ABSOLUTELY had to, and I've only once moved into a significantly larger space (and, wow, is this a bigger space), and that involved a roommate. I'm elated and nauseous at the same time (I HATE moving - my astrologically minded friends have always said it's the Cancer in me).
Cause I got nothing else at this point.