I was reading throught the Sky Mall catalogue on my last flight, and I saw a RoboSapien -- a robotic humanoid-shaped toy that can speak, dance, walk at two different speeds, pick up objects, high five, and has a huge vocabulary.
I need a RoboSapien.
Allyson! Ruby changed the channel from Animal Planet. How do I change it back?!
I think Animal Planet is channel 74 or something. Maybe she wanted to watch the news. I'm sure she's very concerned about the tsunami and other world affairs.
Is she eating nummy food?
Oh! And Gavin loves the pigeon book. He also loves a book called "Hippos Go Berserk."
And paper cups are all the rage.
Are you enjoying being home, Allyson?
YAY! I'm glad Gavin likes the pigeon book. (^^^See tag)
Okay, when I go again tomorrow, I'll try channel 74. But when I tried to page through all the channels, you only had like 13.
I'm confused.
Ruby has a clean box, but she still runs away in terror when I go in.
Somewhat. It's a bit cold and slippery and I have no boots. Only Mary Janes. Dogs sleep on my bed. Two rottweillers squish me.
Nephew is cute and drools in my hair and fell asleep on my lap, today. He makes OO OO OO monkey noises and walks around with the aid of ottomans randomly placed throughout the room.
Also, he likes meatballs. I purchased a street tough denim jacket for him today, along with a couple of books and pajamas with spaceships on them. Then we shared a blueberry muffin.
He is so cool.
DX, fine for you to laugh, but instead of being all animals all the time, now Ruby will have to watch ER.