One resident decided that since the city already refused to pick up the old toilet he replaced, he will use that to guard his parking space. If they pick it up, he wins. If not, he has his parking spot, and still wins.
This is brilliant. I take it Boston doesn't do the snow emergency thing, where you have to clear your car off the streets so the plows can get through, or your car is towed.
One resident decided that since the city already refused to pick up the old toilet he replaced, he will use that to guard his parking space. If they pick it up, he wins.
Hee. God bless native wit.
Oh, yeah, I'll be there.
Fantastic! Bring any fun viewing pleasure you may have...
You know, the only thing I've accomplished at work today thus far is a few notebook pages of scribbled Sawyer/Sayid porn.
It's been 12 weeks since I had a haircut at least!! That's insane for me. I used to be an every 8 weeks kind of girl.
I haven't had my hair cut since the beginning of September, and am not likely to get it cut again until May.
Does this correlate with the TB?
I've needed a haircut for at least a month. I may schedule today if I remember it.
I have SEARCHED THE KITCHEN for the cat's dratted flea medicine. Where, oh where, have I been tripping over it for the last month?
Does this correlate with the TB?
Well, with the discovery of pregnancy, at any rate. I got a trim two days before finding out. By the time I was ready for a trim again, I was on bedrest, and now I just can't be bothered.
You know, the only thing I've accomplished at work today thus far is a few notebook pages of scribbled Sawyer/Sayid porn.
I have no problem with that.
I wish I couldn't be bothered. Wouldn't it be nice to say "Right, don't feel like getting a haircut" instead of "Gosh, I should get a haircut, but I don't have time right now, but Gosh, I should."
I should be less wishy-washy.