Lee, the doctor couldn't have prescribed you anything better.
Me, I'm taking a krav-weary body (sadly, merely mine own) to the spare bed with this week's comics, before going to sleep in preparation for GOING BACK TO WORK.
Ah, well. Had to happen, since I haven't been swept off my feet yet by that sugar daddy I ordered.
Chocolate, iTunes and Lush seems like a way-Buffista-approved method for fixing a thwumpy day, Lee.
Yep. Though I should probably add porn and booze.
Me, I'm taking a krav-weary body (sadly, merely mine own) to the spare bed with this week's comics, before going to sleep in preparation for GOING BACK TO WORK.
Yuck. I get a short day tomorrow, at least.
You know, it's only jut now that I realize I left the last part of a pint of ie cream in Lee's freezer.
Yes, you did, but you also ate my skinny cow ice cream sandwiches, so it's gone now.
Damn. Now I want ice cream.
but you also ate my skinny cow ice cream sandwiches
SandWICH. Singular. And the note on the table said I could.
Not that I left you much of that pint of ice cream. But I'm glad you enjoyed it.
No ice cream for me, although I did have cake earlier (orange-raspberry with raspberry sauce, that my sister made in the Williams-Sonoma wreath mold I brought as part of her Christmas), because I'm feeling too ick for ice cream still. Hot tea is on the horizon tho, because the kettle just popped.
And now I want tea.
I think I'm just going to go to sleep, instead.