Sophia, I'd think the "three or more" applies only to the items listed in the first sentence - i.e., they aren't necessarily responsible for exterior upkeep. I can't imagine the the second sentence wouldn't apply to your LL.
That's what I think too, but I was feeling grammatically challenged. Also, just plain annoyed.
We were pretty impressed, once we realized he was doing it on purpose (as we drove by in the breakdown lane....)
I kinda do that. My favourite was when the big rig behind me squatted cleanly on those lines. Unsurprisingly, folk that drive in that lane drive me batty. Rewardingly, there's one exit on my way home where the lane disappears right before the exit, so lawless hooligans will need to get back into the right lane to actually go any further (including taking the exit). I laugh and clap most prettily when that happens.
Oh, I forgot my addition to the sodomy conversation: the last time it came up in conversation with my parents (you know, like it does), we straddled the generation gap -- they broke into "Sodomy" from Hair, I started singing "La Vie Boheme" from Rent ("Sodomy, it's between god and me!")
Unsurprisingly, folk that drive in that lane drive me batty.
I generally Do Not Approve of it, but that Thanksgiving drive is something else -- it usually takes 45 minutes on a normal day, but this year on Tgiving, it took us 2.5 hours. And that was WITH saving the five minutes getting to our exit in the breakdown lane.
Sophia, did you try the "test" and "reset" buttons that DX mentioned, yesterday. That happened to us once at old house. And whatever triggered it didn't trip the button on the outlet, or the switch on the Circuit Breaker board.
In other words, it looked fine. I had to do the test and reset thingie and then go down cellar and flip the circuit breaker switch, even though whatever happened didn't make the breaker flip over like it had tripped (gah this would be better if I had the required vocabulary).
Trying again. It tripped internally, and so I had to switch it off and on again at the circuit board, and then do the test and reset thingie at the outlet.
Sorry if that makes no sense.
we straddled the generation gap -- they broke into "Sodomy" from Hair, I started singing "La Vie Boheme" from Rent ("Sodomy, it's between god and me!")
Okay, see -- my mother just found out (YESTERDAY) that the Beatles may have done drugs (she wonders why it's not made a big deal of), and although she has heard of Rick James (unlike my father), she didn't know he was black.
Oy. So luckily no singing.
ita, does your mom know who Englebert Humperdink was?
does your mom know who Englebert Humperdink was?
::weeps in shame::
They have no funk. My mother is now trying to sing Petula Clark. She's never heard Brickhouse. George Clinton means nothing to her.
My parents are easy listening.
I am not yet suicidal enough to think about motoring in Rome, but we may see.
I consider driving in Lisbon also to be suicidal, although I suppose it's homicidal for natives, given the number of horrific car crashes and fatalities I saw while belted into the passenger seat.