Color me unsurprised NM is way up there. Between the alcohol, idiots, mountains and vast stretches you can go really fast and fall asleep, I'm almost surprised it isn't higher.
I hate being annoyed at my officemate. But when he doesn't document and I end up duplicating his work, it makes us all look bad. Or when he doesn't document and doesn't do anything, we all look bad. I've yelled at him for this and yet....he keeps doing it.
> I don't think of Boston drivers as mean, so much as that it's a continuation of New England reserve.
Ha. I personally have seen a Boston driver awarded two horns and the rear bumper of a hapless tourist.
By the State Police.
Ye gads, Nora is making me wish I lived in Boston.
So I could take the T.
That is my strategy for driving around inside Boston: take the T.
Oh well, the Staties are wicked mean.
However, it is the tourists that go the wrong way up one way streets.
Hey! It was just the one time, and it was Nutty (a non-tourist) who was navigating.
Oh well, the Staties are wicked mean.
Ooh, bonus points for use of the local lingo, Cindy.
golf claps
Hey. In my defense, it was dark, and I did not yet live on the north side, so I was sort of a tourist at that time. Now, I would never make that mistake! (It was one of those Storrow-to-Alewife Brook Parkway, unless-you-want-Soldier's Field Road 5-way intersections. I still sometimes get those wrong, but now it's just "Whoops! I'm in Allston!" rather than wrong way down a 1-way street.)
I used to commute on 128 every morning and evening, and it is actually recreational. It is how we de-stress from our jobs, by fantasizing abotu crashing into other people (perhaps our bosses). Interior city-driving (Somerville, Cambridge, Boston, maybe Charlestown) are all huge ego-boosts, since you have to be smart and have a long memory to navigate at all. Sort of like puzzles, except with your car.
As for passing on the right without changing lanes -- you know, half the highways don't even have lane markers. So, we sort of make up lanes as we go along, and sometimes your idea of a lane is wider than other people's. (Really. Navigating 93 coming north into the Big Dig was hilarious this way.)
Good gods. Driving in Chicago is fun for me. I want to try driving in New York. I'd love to attempt a moped in Paris. I am not yet suicidal enough to think about motoring in Rome, but we may see.
And now? I am flat-out terrified of Boston streets, and I've never even been there. Y'all are nuts.
The free tickets have been delivered and they are for club level seats. So I think this is definitely gonna be fun.