also, when we do stuff like run stop signs, it's because we are looking for a parking spot.
My intention is not to defend, only explain. Again, there's a reason I rock the combo subway/bus pass, and enjoy getting to places without a car.
But I used to drive EVERYWHERE. Meet a friend for drinks at 6pm downtown? No problem!
However, it is the tourists that go the wrong way up one way streets.
Wrod. Although I remember being on Comm Ave up by the Paradise and some guy (who looked pretty blatantly like a college student) came down (up?) Comm Ave on the wrong side of the tracks. It didn't last long, and it wasn't pretty. When it was over, the guy got out of the car, sat on the curb (waiting for the cops I assume) and just put his head between his knees.
Granted, it WAS prettier than the moe-ron who tried to cut off the T with a compact car...
My experience was short, and I didn't poll the TWO drivers going down a street I doublechecked was one way, opposite direction.
Totally tourists.
And then one stopped for a leisurely chat with a pedestrian.
trying to get directions because he was terribly, terribly lost in the scary city.
way too lawgeeky to get into here
Bah. I bet Wolfram or bon bon or one of the other board lawyers could seduce you into it.
You just won't explain it to me because I won't understand word one.
Which, okay, fine.
But thanks for the stuff I did understand, though.
Bah. I bet Wolfram or bon bon or one of the other board lawyers could seduce you into it.
I added more lawgeeky stuff to my post. Just for you (and because I no cut-and-paste goodly).
I was in Myles my whole time at BU/college - 84-88
Hey! We had crossover years!! BU gave me a ton of money and yet I was still paying them off until this year (when I got a loan I was able to get because the value of my house had more than doubled). But I had a great time there. I moved out of the dorm into a crazy pink house in the only trashy part of Brookline. We lived right behind T. Anthony's and In Your Ear records.
it is the tourists that go the wrong way up one way streets.
Not always the tourists. My Irish boyfriend learned to drive in Boston and my parents STILL talk about the time they were visiting and he drove them backwards up a one-way street the wrong way to get to a parking space. (He also learned to drive stick during his time working as a valet parker.)
That may be me and my many years driving in Boston. but I honestly don't think that Boston drivers are any crazier than anywhere else.
I hate to break this to you, but I've driven in most of the continental U.S., and only in Boston will someone pass you on the right
in the same lane.
To be fair, though, I'll admit that most Atlanta drivers fail miserably at merging.
The drivers in Alabama drove me nuts. No consistent reason, they all just were insane in different ways. I'm happy to be back in the land of suicidal pedestrians and red light running.
it is the tourists that go the wrong way up one way streets.
The first time I was ever in Boston, my mom and I arrived on a delayed flight that got in at 1 a.m. The cabbie who took us to our Uncle Dolph's place drove in a nearly perfectly straight line from the airport to Brookline Village, tootling the wrong way down any number of one-way streets and cheerily waving away our hesitant objections with the observation that it was one in the morning and since he was driving in a straight line and thus obviously not drunk, even if there were any cops around they'd never waste their time pulling him over. His insouciance was just a touch alarming.