Trump wants to tear it down and put a skyscraper in its place. He probably set it himself.
That would be my guess. I could do without the nasty smoke smell that filled my office and the approximately 800 news choppers flying around my building for a good portion of the morning though.
And this is only a few weeks after the 7/11 across the street went up in enough smoke to nearly get us evacuated and sent home - damn those efficient fire fighters.
See, I told you it was a bad idea to name our soccer team The Chicago Fire.
A lot of those New Englanders are in Boston, where if you drive ten minutes you end up in the afterlife.
Sorry, was meant as tongue in cheek / funny.
[eta: And yours might have been too upon reread. But if I offended, sorry.]
I really was all happy bouncy last summer when we got to the airport early and so we drove another ten minutes. And voila! one more state I had visited.
Question for those familiar with French: In Moliere's play
Les Femmes Savantes,
is the correct spelling "savantes" or "sauvantes"? It's spelled two different ways in the document I'm adapting.
Such cute wee states.
Maine may be smaller (not sure where you are Cass), but it's not small. Empty, but not small.
A lot of those New Englanders are in Boston, where if you drive ten minutes you end up in the afterlife.
See, I don't know why people go nuts over Nascar, when you could film Storrow Drive or Route 128 aka (sometimes) 95 aka (sometimes) 93. You get almost as many crashes and it looks a hell of a lot more challenging than Roundy-round.
Although that said, getting onto Storrow isn't quite the competitive sport it used to be since they got rid of the 5-lane crossover over 1000 yards coming from the North that you used to have to do.
Ah, the good old days, Frank.
(Cass, and Matt, I thought you were both funny. Also? Right.)
[eta: And yours might have been too upon reread. But if I offended, sorry.]
My reply was completely meant to be humorous too, cass. Sadly not much of an exaggeration, but funny nonetheless.
I am so dizzy. Just finished a sodomy discussion with the parents (rarely has the phrase "no, I'm not going into details" been used so often, and with such vehemence on my part).
However, it was my understanding that there are states in which sodomy is illegal, and homosexuality is not. But I'm drowning in google semantics -- I was thinking sodomy as in anal sex, gender irrelevant, but the dictionary (I understood) is a lot looser, and a site like equates sodomy with homosexuality (including female).
There are states where anal sex is illegal, right? How can I find out which ones?