That makes me a freak, doesn't it?
No, honey, not
I love having a single and childless house. Mostly the childless actually, since it hasn't changed drastically from when there was another adult in my room. But I don't want to have to change my style.
If you must have lighting, indirect seems best. The other sort burns, my precious, it burns.
My favorite trips to Ikea involve the free bus and buying enough stuff that I can just barely carry it all home, for like fifty bucks. I was just thinking how awesome it would have been to get a $100 gift certificate from there -- I'd get all new glasses, and little boxes and all the miscellaneous shit I love.
clown painting killers...
IKEA is great but far and requires larger vehicles than I usually have access to.
I've seen your vehicle. I've seen my vehicle. I have furnished a lot of my house with my vehicle (um, transporting in, not with like hubcaps). Flat-packing is the way to go...
eta: My "serial" note needs a hyphen. Imagine it.
and then you'd have to carry it all home, delicately.
It's 9:30. Lori's still not home. Aggravating.
I think it's the distance. It's still over an hour in ick traffic to the nearest IKEA.
I know you left-coasters scoff at such distances, but they seem a bit daunting to us wee right coasters. It's
half the state away!
If you must have lighting, indirect seems best. The other sort burns, my precious, it burns.
I have developed a lighting scheme that relies heavily on computer monitors, an iPod, a laptop, a lava lamp and the glowing LEDs of various other appliances.
Gus is just trying to mack on all the ladies in his indirectly lit pad.
Well, that is true.
However, I'm serious about the lighting fixation. No lights shine directly on anything in my place here, or back in WI. It is a thing.
I have developed a lighting scheme that relies heavily on computer monitors, an iPod, a laptop, a lava lamp and the glowing LEDs of various other appliances.
Minus the iPod, and add a few baseboards,this is me.
tommryrot can still get his own date.
an hour is just the commute home from work.
speaking of Spooks, in the unlikely event that this was not mentioned in the 1000+ messages I skipped --
the american incarnation of spooks (MI-5) starts a new series this Saturday at 10PM EST on A&E.