I'm having to restain myself from signing up for everything, because I do want to have some loafing-around-ooh-that-unplanned-jaunt-sounds-fun time rather than just scheduling 3 solid days in advance.
F2F 3: Who's Bringing the Guacamole?
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: San Francisco, May 19-21, 2006! Everything else, go here! Swag!
Foodwise, I am going to make a TJs/maybe costco run and come laden with goodies to supplement what Deb and Juliana are baking, so if anyone has any requests, let me know.
JZ, I think we need to do a scouting trip this weekend, just to make sure all the thrifting places are still there.
JZ, I think we need to do a scouting trip this weekend, just to make sure all the thrifting places are still there.
Saturday's good for me.
You know what helps with that? Cell phones. Which allows people to wander off in any number of configurations and then reconvene.
What, you mean I'm paranoid and I'm a luddite?
I was thinking about making everybody hold on to a knotted rope, like they have for preschoolers on walking trips around town. Of course cell phones are an option, but why let technology get in the way of the impulse to micromanage??
Saturday's good for me.
Cool! Are we still planning on brunch at 10:30, or do we want to go earlier to avoid softball conflicts?
JZ, I think we need to do a scouting trip this weekend, just to make sure all the thrifting places are still there.
So, do I need to remind you both of the style of dress I always look for and my measurements, or have they been permanently wedged in your brain now?
David, I'm going to casually get it started around eleven or half-past Sunday morning, and it's likely to go well into the evening. I even now have an outdoor fireplace, for after-dark warming on the deck.
Trudy, I don't think this one's really pre-planned, so much as it is pre-optioned. There seems to be a lot of stuff to do, and my feeling is that that gives a "scheduled" feel to things. But honestly, anything that doesn't involve an opening/closing time and prebought tickets is probably loose.
It may be due to the large attendance and large concetration of locals. Is this the largest crowd we've had?
So, do I need to remind you both of the style of dress I always look for and my measurements, or have they been permanently wedged in your brain now?
hahahaha. Jilli assumed I was actually capable of remembering things these days.
JZ, did you see my post that I got one of the ebay dresses you linked to the other day, for a whopping $20?
Oh! Perkins, a favour: when you hit TJ or Costco, can you grab a case of clear (not sparkling) spring water? Costco has the Crystal Geyser, a 24-pack of half-litre bottles, for, like five bucks.
Not their housebrand, though. It tastes like feet sauteed in ass (my daughter's immortal comment about cauliflower).
Off to clean BBQ grills. Can someone please order Lilibeth those two things? Do we need money? The tiara's taken care of.