Hey, so um.... It turns out there may be a very tiny possibilty that I'll be in the area for at least part of the F2F, including Saturday night. I'll be down in San Jose, and I don't know how S & I would get into SF proper to attend the party, and I would need a way back down to San Jose, probably later that night.
So I may get to see everybody after all.
If I do come, how much would I need to PayPal to juliana in order to attend the prom plus one, and have contributed my fair part?
It turns out there may be a very tiny possibilty that I'll be in the area for at least part of the F2F, including Saturday night.
I think the cost/attendees works out to about $40pp, but juliana would be able to tell you for sure.
Whoot! I hope it works out! You can do public trans into SF from San Jose if nothing else.
I think the cost/attendees works out to about $40pp, but juliana would be able to tell you for sure.
Adding in taxes, it's somewhere closer to $50, but we have had a couple Prom Fairies who've chipped in even though they can't come.
I'm still assuming a Prom attendance of 55, though.
juliana, that $50 per person also covers hospitality suite - if someone's only coming up for the Prom and isn't going to be using the HS, it works out closer to $30 pp.
That $50 or so is all inclusive of the 4 full days of suite usage. The $30 is for eats, drinks and Prom.
juliana, that $50 per person also covers hospitality suite
Oy. Good point, and clearly I need more coffee. Please to excuse.
Do you want to have lunch tomorrow? My meeting at the HICC, complete with checklist, is late afternoon, so I could go from you to them, armed with numbers and things.
Do you have an update on money? I want to make sure we have enough.
I'd love to go to the Winchester House, but I have this thing about commitment...but I've no fear of being able to get up in time. So please count me in, and I will chip in for car rental with Laura.
And I guess I should get Alcatrax tix.
And SEAN!!! YAY!!!