To be honest, having realised that the baseball game and the barbecue clash, I'm having a big crisis of WhyGoToTheGame....any Baseballphiliacs want to sell it to me again?
Let's see. I'll be going, so will Emmett, JZ, Nutty, DXM, Teppy(?), Suzi and K-Bug. Tom Scola too (I think). So it will be a fun and baseball knowledgeable bunch. We can explain the game, plus you'll see some folks like Emmett and Suzi flip out with either joy or sorrow as the A's win or lose. Tasty foods are to be had at the game. Grilled weinies of various sorts and plenty of good beer (or wine if you prefer. Or mixed drinks. Or whiskey. Very civlilized.) We'll have a suite usually reserved for Fancy People, which is a nice luxury. Seeing a game at a stadium is always pretty fun. Sort of like the bowling excursion, an excuse to hang out with people and drink and kibbitz with visual stimulation in front of you. Lots of good looking young men in very tight fighting pants running around after a little white ball.
The game itself? It's leisurely compared to other professional sports. Lots of space for talking while things slowly build to a dramatic pitch. Baseball is very dramatic. Unlike other professional sports
dramatic has to happen for one team to win. It's not based on the clock, so either the hitter or the pitcher must prevail at some point. We'll key you into when such moments are occurring.
Guaranteed: You'll have fun.
I've seen baseball. It wasn't fun.
Just, you know, to give you a balanced opinion. I'm sure truth falls somewhere between the folks who love it and the folks who consider it anathema. Boring anathema.
As expected, Hec said it better than I could have.
Added bonus - I may be willing to wear my green wig and gold deelie-boppers for your mocking pleasure.
And many of us will be hitting Deb's post-game. There are others who are doing the Bay to Breakers who will be there post-run/walk.
Suzi might get all decked out in her Crazy A's Fan ensemble WITH Crazy A's Fan make-up...
And can someone be sure to take a pic of her, if she does?
Crazy A's Fan ensemble WITH Crazy A's Fan make-up
There is NO Crazy A's Fan make-up. There is the occasional green mascera, but the rest of the ensamble is enough.
I'm sure truth falls somewhere between the folks who love it and the folks who consider it anathema. Boring anathema.
That would be me, but I love live sporting events. I didn't like baseball AT ALL until I moved to SF and got sort of - assimiliated into the local culture. I can't speak to the fun of an A's game, but the Giants game I was at yesterday was fun, because 1) outdoors on a lovely day with friends and 2) interesting events (Bonds hitting a homerun to tie the game up).
So. I'm choosing to do B2B and/or Deb's BBQ over the game, but baseball can be fun.
Firstly, I find it high-larious that we've now had cause to add a sort-of "Children's Corner" of the F2F. Hee, love it.
I classify a green wig as make-up, in this situation.
gold deelie-boppers
I don't know what to classify those as.
gold deelie-boppers
I don't know what to classify those as.
Well, since you aren't going to the game, you don't get to see - Nah-Nah!!!