Oooh! Nicole, if you wouldn't mind bringing it along, I'd gladly buy the hoodie off you. So not to worry about that, then, Raq - but thanks for the offer, my dear!
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: San Francisco, May 19-21, 2006! Everything else, go here! Swag!
Oooh! Nicole, if you wouldn't mind bringing it along, I'd gladly buy the hoodie off you. So not to worry about that, then, Raq - but thanks for the offer, my dear!
Sounds good, Fay. I'll bring it to SF with me. Very happy it's going to a good home.
And just so Pete knows, I love the hoodie and the design rocks my socks and all that, I just look more washed out in white and light pink than I thought I would. Nothing but love for the design, just so we're clear. I still have my tank and my bright yellow messenger bag.
(Pssst...Pete...Nicole thinks you suck.)
Only on Jilli.
Wow... I, um...
Pete! You *know* what a trouble-maker Aimee is!
::blinks innocently, adjusts halo::
::pokes Nicole's halo::
Yes, Nicole, not a thing was taken personally. You should see some of the things people say about my regular work...
Aimée, 20 demerits for House Miracleborn!
Only 20?
Which Alcatrez night tour are we taking on the 19th, again? 6:20 or 7:05?